Online Learning Curve
Moving online with college courses from on-campus learning was tough–most notably, keeping motivated and staying on track. One of the biggest helps to staying on task with my schoolwork was staying in tough with my peers and professors throughout all this havoc. In sustainability lab, I made sure to check in occasionally on Zoom during class time. Here, I listened to what my classmates were up to and any class related conversations. I discussed my project proposal a few times as well. This was really helpful for not only helping me to understand the proposal better, but also to encourage myself to actually get it done.

Zoom is an incredible platform that I believe will continue to be used long past this pandemic. It enables people from anywhere to meet within seconds, as opposed to traveling tens to hundreds of miles. A difficulty I noticed with Zoom is paying full attention to the screen while I am in my room. I tend to wake up a little late, so I usually keep my camera off because I sit in my robe. I’m starting to try to at least get dressed for my meetings and turning my camera on.